
Will had two more teeth extracted this week- uppers this time. We waited a long time to see if they'd pop out on their own, but no luck. At least they were fairly loose, the dentist didn't have to exert much force in order to get them out. All went very smoothly, considering that Elise was practically in Will's mouth the whole time trying to view the proceedings.
E. has no problems with her choppers- they fall out almost spontaneously. She's got another upper ready to go!
Kids have had lots of fun this week- they've been quite well-behaved and are getting along well considering how much time they've spent together. It helped that they started the Easter break with a visit from Auntie Lynora, Uncle Mike and Nolan. They just love that little guy! I am more impressed with them every time we get together, both have plenty of patience and sensitivity with their cousin.