Saturday, September 15, 2007

Farewell to a Loyal Friend

Suka: 1996(?)- Sept.14, 2007

Came to us one sunny day
Was shy at first, but loved to play
Were no toys with which to play, though
But found your fave was the potato
Glad to see you had no rabies
Good! Because you loved our babies.

Our collective poetic shortcomings aside, all four of us are grieving. Suka laid down for a nap in the master bedroom early Friday evening and never woke up. Unfortunately, it was Elise who found her. The kids and I were outside enjoying a more pleasant evening than we'd had recently. Elise ran inside to call the dog to come out and join us. Will and I heard a shriek, Elise ran out the back door, crying "Suka is acting like she's dead!". We followed her in to check, and I had to tell my daughter that the dog wasn't acting.

Suka was the best dog a family could ever hope for. She was fiercely protective of all of us, especially the kids. We are trying to take comfort in the fact that she hadn't been ill, in pain or suffering.

Real took her out to the hotel, where she met and adopted us, and buried her in a nice corner of the yard, facing the southwest. Will, Elise and I drove out this afternoon to put a few flowers there for her, and planted a little shrub at the head of the grave.

Goodbye, Suka. We will miss you.