Las Vegas -Nov.30/07- Homeward Bound (but not really)
Friday morning, flight leaving around 1300 hours. We went out to do a bit of last-minute shopping for the kids, having obtained information on the nearest Target. Ended up being vaguely disappointing, but we both grabbed a few things anyways (toys and DVDs). The store was quite a ways off the Strip, past Terrible's Casino on Flamingo Road. We left the mall on foot, walked a few blocks to a Jack-in-the-Box for a breakfast burrito, and continued on to Terrible's to grab a cab. Back to our room to finish packing, and off to the airport.
United Airlines had unbelievably long line-ups, so we thought we'd be clever and use the express curbside check-in. Waited ten minutes to find out it was only for domestic flights. We trudged back in to the terminal and got back into the line. At least UA employees were scooting through the queue finding passengers and triaging according to departure times. However daunting check-in seemed, 'twas nothing compared to security:

Poor quality photo, I know , but the crush of people there was something to behold. Got through on time, though.

Lynora had been conversing with her neighbour, an interesting fellow who was a data analyst or something with a big HMO. I resolutely tackled and completed the crossword in the airline magazine, half tuned in to their chat. They talked healthcare for a bit, then it came out that he and his wife were raising two young grandchildren while their military daughter and son-in-law were in the Middle East. Depressing.
About an hour after our scheduled take-off time, an announcement from the crew gave us permission to leave the plane, as the navigational system was still not working properly. So we headed back into the airport, painfully aware at this point we would not make our Denver- Edmonton flight. Lynora tried to get into a wireless zone so she could check an EBay bid on a lovely pair of earrings, but I don't recall her having success. We grabbed some Quizno's subs and continued to wait. Seems to me we finally re-boarded and got in the air at about the time we should have been boarding the last connection.

Finally in Denver. Really tired by this point.
So- Denver turned out to be the refugee camp for many people that night. Midwest storms wreaked air travel havoc, and our plane and at least one more from San Francisco had mechanical problems, causing delays and missed connections. The United customer service lineup was massive- we spent a good 90 minutes waiting for lodging arrangements. While in line, Lynora rebooked Edmonton flights for 0800 Saturday, and we chatted to a strange but pleasant bodybuilder guy from Montana or Wyoming or somewhere.
The UA staff was awesome that night. There were what seemed like hundreds of fatigued Germans who should have been on their way home to Frankfurt and Munich, many were very upset and way overtired. When Len and I got to a rep, she was still incredibly friendly, to her credit- she even gave us supper vouchers even though it was after 9PM. We elected not to try and find our luggage (didn't much care at that point), picked up emergency overnight kits, and got on the hotel shuttle.
The airline put us up at a Ramada on the outskirts of the city. Still a long ride, so Len got out the Coupling DVDs and we each plugged into one earbud. Deliriously tired and giggly, I think we really annoyed the guy sitting next to me in the full van. The more we laughed, the more he stewed, muttering under his breath and glaring at us. But, what can you do? We were in "whatever..." mode, and really wanted to get to the hotel and have a drink. We shared some nachos and calamari and had a few of these:
And weren't we attractive?

Ugh. I think we packed it in after 3 beer, and retired to our freezing cold rooms (with no pyjamas) to get a few hours worth of restless sleep.
The rest of the way was uneventful: left the hotel by 6:30, flight at 8, no hassles with Customs, into Lynora's buried car, afternoon at her place. Then back to the airport fro me, and in Saskatoon shortly after eight. Uncle Lyle, Opa and Will picked me up, went to Oma and Opa's for a bit to see everyone, and the home to have a real night's sleep.
So- Denver turned out to be the refugee camp for many people that night. Midwest storms wreaked air travel havoc, and our plane and at least one more from San Francisco had mechanical problems, causing delays and missed connections. The United customer service lineup was massive- we spent a good 90 minutes waiting for lodging arrangements. While in line, Lynora rebooked Edmonton flights for 0800 Saturday, and we chatted to a strange but pleasant bodybuilder guy from Montana or Wyoming or somewhere.
The UA staff was awesome that night. There were what seemed like hundreds of fatigued Germans who should have been on their way home to Frankfurt and Munich, many were very upset and way overtired. When Len and I got to a rep, she was still incredibly friendly, to her credit- she even gave us supper vouchers even though it was after 9PM. We elected not to try and find our luggage (didn't much care at that point), picked up emergency overnight kits, and got on the hotel shuttle.
The airline put us up at a Ramada on the outskirts of the city. Still a long ride, so Len got out the Coupling DVDs and we each plugged into one earbud. Deliriously tired and giggly, I think we really annoyed the guy sitting next to me in the full van. The more we laughed, the more he stewed, muttering under his breath and glaring at us. But, what can you do? We were in "whatever..." mode, and really wanted to get to the hotel and have a drink. We shared some nachos and calamari and had a few of these:
Happy happy.
Sitting at the car and chatting with one of many stranded Germans- a charming and boyish engineer from Munich, I was appalled to see him cuddling a Bud Light. Bought him a Fat Tire and brought him back from the Dark Side. A US Army medic soon joined us, having missed his flight home to Michigan. Interesting conversations flowed, all ending with each of us going on about our kids and how much we missed them, although army guy won, as he'd been overseas for over a year.
And weren't we attractive?
Ugh. I think we packed it in after 3 beer, and retired to our freezing cold rooms (with no pyjamas) to get a few hours worth of restless sleep.
The rest of the way was uneventful: left the hotel by 6:30, flight at 8, no hassles with Customs, into Lynora's buried car, afternoon at her place. Then back to the airport fro me, and in Saskatoon shortly after eight. Uncle Lyle, Opa and Will picked me up, went to Oma and Opa's for a bit to see everyone, and the home to have a real night's sleep.
Labels: misadventures, refugees